LIVE WITH CHRIS Tonight at 5:00pm Central Time


Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: William Pulse



  • CD1406 Top Hat


  • Glazes
    • FN-304 Black Velvet
  • Acrylic Stains
    • SG-881 Glittering Silver
    • SG-882 Glittering Gold

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-110 Liner
  • CB-404 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan
  • AC-230 Clay Carbon
  • AC-302 Wax Resist

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • BC-910 Synthetic Sponge
  • Pencil, Scissors
  • Food Coloring (optional)
  • Blue Masking Tape
  • Aluminum Foil or small plastic cup
  • Liquid detergent
  • Pattern


  1. Wipe down the bisque shape with a moistened synthetic sponge to remove any dust and debris.
  2. Cut out the pattern with scissors. Center the pattern onto the ware and place blue masking tape to secure the pattern to the ware. Use AC-230 Clay Carbon and a pencil to transfer the design onto the ware. 
  3. Make a small receptacle out of aluminum foil or use a small plastic cup. Place some AC-304 Wax Resist in it and add a couple of drops of food coloring to tint the wax. The food coloring will aid in seeing where you have applied the wax resist when painting.
  4. Condition CB-110 Liner with the liquid detergent. Apply 1 heave coat of the wax resist to the design. Only one coat is needed but it needs to be a heavy coat. Let dry.
  5. Apply 3-4 smooth even coats of FN-304 Black Velvet to the entire piece using CB-604 Soft Fan and CB-404 Pointed Round around the pattern. Try not to apply the glaze over the waxed areas. The wax should resist the glaze. If any glaze remains on the waxed areas, use as moistened brush to remove any glaze.
  6. Stilt and fire the piece to shelf cone 05-06.
  7. Place some SG-881 Glittering Silver onto some aluminum foil or plastic cup. Use CB-110 Liner to apply 1-2 coat(s) of color to the teardrop portions of the pattern for solid coverage.  
  8. Using CB-110 Liner to apply 1-2 coat(s) of SG-882 Glittering Gold to the star and numbers in the pattern for solid coverage.
  9. Let dry.

Hand wash this item after use.