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Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • CD032 Puppies Topper



  • SS-19 Country Sage
  • SS-45 Buttermilk
  • SS-57 Accent Green
  • SS-111 Brightest Yellow
  • SS-135 White SS-210 Orange
  • SS-234 Medium Mocha
  • SS-237 Dark Brown
  • SS-276 Lime Light
  • SS-317 Turquois


  • OS-449 Bright Red
  • OS-452 Peach Fuzz
  • OS-468 Deep Turquoise
  • OS-469 Light Turquoise
  • OS-471 Medium Brown
  • OS-476 Black
  • OS-480 Garnet Red
  • OS-487 Olive Moss
  • OS-493 Sandalwood

Decorating Accessories

  • AS-954 Matte Sealer
  • AS-953 Gloss Sealer
  • Basecoat Brush
  • Various Dry Brushes
  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • XST02 Stylus Tool

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Foam Plates or Aluminum Foil for Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • Water Bowl
  • Clean-Up Tool


  1. Cast the mold in usual manner. Allow to dry! Clean the greenware with a Clean-Up Tool. Bisque fire to cone 04.
  2. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  3. Using a Basecoat Brush, basecoat each piece with SS-237 Dark Brown. Allow to dry.
  4. Puppy on the right – Using various size Drybrush’s, drybrush as follows – SS-234 Medium Mocha then lightly with OS- 452 Peach Fuzz. Highlight the paws, face and down the back with SS-45 Buttermilk then SS-135 White. Scarf – drybrush with OS-468 Deep Turquoise then OS-469 Light Turquoise. Highlight with SS-317 Turquoise then SS-135 White. Using a XST02 Stylus Tool add dots with SS-135 White.
  5. Puppy on the left – Using various size Drybrush’s, drybrush as follows – OS-471 Medium Brow, then SS-234 Medium Mocha followed by SS-2324 Medium Mocha with some SS-45 Buttermilk in the brush. Highlight the paws, muzzle, ears and stripe on the head with SS-45 Buttermilk then SS-145 White. Scarf – Drybrush with OS-480 Garnet Red then OS-449 Bright Red. Highlight with SS-210 Orange. Using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner, add stripes with SS-135 White then OS-476 Black.
  6. Grass – Drybrush with SS-57 Accent Green then OS- 187 Olive Moss. Highlight with SS-19 Country Sage then lightly with SS-276 Lime light.
  7. Ball – Using a drybrush, stipple with SS-276 Lime Light then SS-111 Brightest Yellow. Highlight with SS-135 White.
  8. Bone – Drybrush with OS-492 Peach Fuzz then SS-45 Buttermilk. Highlight with SS-135 White.
  9. Noses and mouth lines – Using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner, apply OS-476 Black.
  10. Eyes – Using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner, apply 1 – 2 coats of SS-135 White to the eye area. Iris of the eye is SS-234 Medium Mocha. Shade with OS-237 Dark Brown. Pupil and eyelashes are OS-476 Black. Add a highlight with SS-135 White. Allow to dry!
  11. Apply 2 coats of AS-494 Matte Sealer to the piece. Allow to dry!
  12. Apply 2 coats of AS-493 Gloss Sealer to the eyes and noses. Allow to dry!
  13. DO NOT FIRE!