LIVE WITH CHRIS Tonight at 5:00pm Central Time


Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Tim McPherson



  • MB-102 Coupe Dinner Plate


  • SS-399 Terra Cotta
  • SS-45 Buttermilk
  • SS-211 Orange Rust
  • SS-210 Orange
  • SS-3 Honey Toast
  • SS-234 Medium Mocha
  • SS-198 Chocolate
  • SS-376 Limeburst
  • SS-247 Bright Yellow
  • SS-111 Brightest Yellow
  • SS-237 Dark Brown
  • SS-19 Country Sage
  • SS-57 Accent Green
  • AC-502 Matte Sealer

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-404 #4 Pointed Round
  • CB-220 # 2/0 Detail
  • CB-110 #10/0 liner
  • CB-406 # 6 Pointed Round

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Tissue Paper
  • White craft glue
  • Typewriter Carbon paper
  • Toothbrush
  • Pattern


  1. Wipe bisque down with a damp sponge to remove any dust
  2. Mark off a border about 1” wide.
  3. Scrunch up the tissue paper, then tear into workable pieces.
  4. Apply a small amount of thinned glue, then press the tissue paper pieces down to the area inside the marked area, continuing until the inside area is completely covered.
  5. Using the #6 Round, apply 2 coats of Buttermilk to the tissue paper area.
  6. Using the # 6 Round, apply 2 to 3 coats of Terra Cotta to the rim and back of the plate.
  7. Trace on the pattern.
  8. Thin Chocolate to a wash, and using the # 6 Round apply over the textured area, then gently blot with a paper towel allowing the color to remain in the creases.
  9. Using the # 4 Round, apply 2 coats of Orange Rust to the pumpkin.
  10. Side load in Orange and add some shading to the ribs, and then follow with Honey Toast at random.
  11. Using the Detail, apply Medium Mocha to the stem, and shade with Chocolate.
  12. Using the # 4 Round, apply Honey Toast to the smaller leaves.
  13. Side load and shade with both Bright Yellow and Limeburst.
  14. Using the # 4 Pound, apply Limeburst to the medium leaves,
  15. Shade with both Bright Yellow and Honey Toast.
  16. Using the # 4 Round, apply Brightest Yellow to the sunflower petals.
  17. Shade 1 shed with Honey Toast and the opposite side with Orange.
  18. Using the # 4 Round, apply Chocolate to the flower center, and shade with Dark Chocolate.
  19. Using the # 4 Round, apply Country Sage to the sunflower leaves, and shade with Accent Green.
  20. Using the Liner, outline and detail the piece with Dark Brown.
  21. Using a toothbrush, spatter the piece with Dark Brown.
  22. Using the # 6 Round, apply 2 coats of matte Sealer to the entire piece.