Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bev Scarborough



  • CD1462 Jolly Tree
  • Bee bisque


  • SS-45 Buttermilk
  • SS-3 Honey Toast
  • SS-111 Brightest Yellow
  • SS-138 Flat Black
  • SS-237 Dark Brown
  • SS-234 Medium Mocha
  • SS-276 Forest Green
  • SS-57 Accent Green
  • SS-317 Turquoise
  • SS–135 White
  • UM956 Silver
  • SS-32 Razzberri
  • SS-28 Hushed Violet
  • OS483 Real Red

Decorating Accessories

  • AB-708 #10 Shader Acrylic Brush
  • AB-703 #1 Liner Acrylic Brush
  • AB-705 #5 Round Acrylic Brush
  • DB-804 #3 Flat Acrylic Dry Brush
  • Stylus

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Glue
  • Pinch light
  • Led bulb
  • Pencil
  • Pattern
  • Sharpie Fine Marker
  • Medium twist ceramic Christmas tree lights – gold
  • Medium flower ceramic Christmas tree lights – gold


  1. Begin with properly fired bisque Cone 04 Jolly Tree.
  2. Basecoat with SS-45 Buttermilk 2 coats over the entire tree.
  3. Trace on bee hive (I used tissue paper trace design of hive with pencil then place tissue paper on tree and retrace with sharpie extra fine marker)
  4. Using a sponge lightly pounce around the hive with SS-234 Medium Mocha (see picture for placement). Then apply 3 coats of SS-3 Honey Toast to hive let dry.
  5. Using a shader brush corner load with SS-234 Medium Mocha shade around each section of the hive. Then highlight with SS-135 White on upper section of each row.
  6. Then using a sponge pounce on SS-276 Forest Green around bottom of hive then sponge on SS-57 Accent Green on top leaving some of the Forest Green show through.
  7. Using a stylus, dot on flowers 4 – 5 petals per flower using colors of choice. (Colors used on my tree SS-32Razzberri, SS-28 Hushed Violet, OS483 Real Red, SS-135 White, SS-111 Brightest Yellow) outline in SS-138 Flat Black.
  8. Trace on bees and door on hive using the method from step 3.
  9. Fill in bee bodies with SS-111 Brightest Yellow (will take at least 2 coats)
  10. Fill in wings with SS135 White (will take at least 2 coats)
  11. Shade around the wings with mixture of SS-317 Turquoise and SS-135 White (half and half)
  12. Fill in the door with SS-138 Flat Black.
  13. Put stripes on bees with SS-138 Flat Black.
  14. Using shader brush corner load with SS-111 Brightest Yellow and shade around each wave on tree.
  15. When dry, using the Liner Brush and SS-138 Flat Black make flight dashes on the waves and behind the bees.
  16. Taking the Medium Twist ceramic Christmas tree lights (gold) and Medium Flower ceramic Christmas tree lights (gold) paint the tops of each with 2 coats of SS-111 Bright Yellow. When dry, paint black stripes on the medium twist lights and using SS-234 Medium Mocha paint the center of the flower. Let dry.


  1. Basecoat body of bee with SS-111 Brightest Yellow, wings are base coated with turquoise and white mixture. When dry apply stripes to bee body and drybrush wings with SS-135 White.
  2. Glue in lights and bee to tree.