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Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • CD023 Ornaments w/Holly Topper


  • SS-19 Country Sage
  • SS-24 Chocolate Fudge
  • SS-28 Hushed Violet
  • SS-29 Dew Drop Blue
  • SS-32 Razzberi
  • SS-45 Buttermilk
  • SS-57 Accent Green
  • SS-92 Royal Fuchsia
  • SS-130 Medium Grey
  • SS-135 White
  • SS-176 Christmas Red
  • SS-179 Antique Red
  • SS-211 Orange Rust
  • SS-288 Bright Green
  • SS-317 Turquoise
  • SS-335 Rich Blue
  • SS-368 Dusty Violet
  • SS-376 Limeburst
  • S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing Glaze
  • SS-113 White Iridescent Pearl

Decorating Accessories

  • Basecoat Brush
  • Various Drybrush’s
  • CB-202 #2 Detail Liner
  • AC-523 Non-Fired Snow
  • AC-502 Matte Sealer

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Foam Plates or Aluminum Foil for Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • Water Bowl
  • Clean-Up Tool
  • Pinch Plug Light


  1. Cast the mold in usual manner. While the casting is in the leather hard stage cut out the Sections of some of the ornaments and put in the holes for the Pin & Globe lights. Allow to dry. Clean the greenware with a Clean-Up Tool. Bisque fire to cone 04.
  2. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  3. Apply 2 coats of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing Glaze to the ornament tops and to the centers of the fancy ornaments. Allow to dry! Glaze fire to cone 06.
  4. Apply Liquid Gold to all the Clear Glaze areas. Allow to dry! Fire to cone 018.
  5. Basecoat the striped ornament – Red area with SS-179 Antique Red, white area with SS-130 Medium Grey. Drybrush the red area with SS-176 Christmas Red, highlight with SS-210 Orange. White area with SS-45 Buttermilk then SS-135 White. Line the stripes are SS-288 Bright Green.
  6. Basecoat the blue ornament with SS-335 Rich Blue. Drybrush with SS-29 Dew Drop Blue then SS-317 Turquoise, highlight with SS-135 White.
  7. Basecoat the orange ornament with SS-211 Orange Rust. Drybrush with SS-210 Orange then SS-111 Brightest Yellow, Highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk.
  8. Basecoat the purple / pink Ornament with SS-368 Dusty Violet, stripes with SS-92 Royal Fuchsia. Drybrush with the ornament SS-28 Hushed Violet, highlight with SS-135 White. Drybrush stripes with SS-135 White.
  9. Basecoat the bell with SS-335 Rich Blue, bottom of the bell with SS-179 Antique Red. Drybrush the bell with SS-29 Dew Drop Blue, highlight with SS-135 White. Drybrush the bottom of the bell with SS-176 Christmas Red, highlight with SS-210 Orange
  10. Basecoat the green ornament with SS-288 Bright Green and the top area with SS-179 Antique Red. Drybrush the green area with SS-376 Limeburst, highlight wit a little SS-135 White. Red area with SS-176 Christmas Red, highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk then SS-176 Christmas Red again.
  11. Basecoat the center ornament green area with SS-288 Bright Green, the bottom red area with SS-179 Antique Red and the center white area with SS-130 Medium Grey. Drybrush the green area with SS-376 Limeburst highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk. Red area with SS-176 Christmas Red, highlight with SS-210 Orange. Drybrush the white area with SS-45 Buttermilk then SS-135 White. Basecoat the Area around the center with SS-288 Bright Green then drybrush with SS-377 Limeburst.
  12. Basecoat pine boughs with SS-24 Chocolate Fudge. Drybrush with SS-288 Bright Green then highlight with SS-19 Country Sage.
  13. Basecoat the Holly leaves with SS-57 Accent Green. Drybrush with SS-19 Country Sage then highlight with SS-377 Limeburst a little SS-45 Buttermilk.
  14. Basecoat the holly berries with SS-176 Christmas Red then highlight with S-210 Orange, add a dot of SS-138 Flat Black to the center of the holly berry.
  15. Using a CB-202 #2 detail Liner, apply some AC-523 to the top of the orange ornament and to the top and bottom of the center area of the bell. Allow to dry!
  16. Apply 1-2 coats of AC502 Matte Sealer to the piece.
  17. Glue some Iridescent Glitter to areas of the ornaments.
  18. Glue in Pin & Globe Lights.
  19. DO NOT FIRE!
  20. Optional: Add Red Frit to cut out areas by Masking Tape the underside of the cut outs. Put some F3-151-96-8 Medium Cherry Red Glass Frit into the cut out area then add Dap Rapid Fuse Glue. Let dry! Remove the Masking Tape.
  21. DO NOT FIRE!