Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Kailtyn Miller



  • Flat piece of Cardboard. You may also use any craft of ceramic surface.


  • Flat Black (SS-138)
    • Alternative Background Color: Accent Green (SS-57)
  • Copper Metallic (MM-102)
  • Gold Metallic (MM-105)
  • Green Patina (MM-202)

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Leaves or alternative printing objects
  • Sponge (Cut into small pieces)
  • Scrap Paper


To make stamp: Cardboard and liquid glue (such as Elmer’s or wood glue)

Create Stamp:

  1. Cut a desired size of cardboard large enough for your stamp design
  2. Draw design with liquid glue and let dry completely
  3. Check design by placing under paper and rubbing crayon overtop to reveal design
  4. Add more glue if needed

Prepare your surface:

  1. Using a soft bristled brush, apply one coat of Flat Black (SS-138) or other desired base coat color to front of cardboard.
  2. Let dry completely


  1. Using one leaf at a time, sponge desired color of Magic Metallic (Copper Metallic MM-102 or Gold Metallic MM-105) onto leaf (or other printing object) using a small flat sided sponge. You may want to cut a larger sponge into small pieces
  2. Once one side of the leaf is covered make your first test print by placing the leaf painted side down onto a scrap piece of paper. Use a clean sponge to firmly press the leaf into the paper
  3. After pressing the full surface of the leaf down on the paper, peel back the leaf to reveal the print
  4. This test print will show you if you applied too much paint or not enough paint to the leaf before printing. If your print does not have the desired amount of texture in it maybe try using the opposite side of the leaf for printing. You can test print you leaf as many times as needed
  5. When ready to print your leaf, apply desired amount of metallic paint to your leaf and place it paint side down onto your prepared cardboard surface
  6. Press leaf down with your clean sponge as you did when test printing, then pull leaf back to reveal print
  7. Continue to print leaves of different sizes and shapes using both of the Magic Metallic colors
  8. To create a patinaed leaf, print leaf with Magic Metallic paint as instructed, immediately after pulling the leaf back to reveal your print lay a layer of Green Patina (MM-202) on top of the wet paint with a brush.
    • Watch the Green Patina color develop as oxidation occurs
    • Note: for oxidation to occur the Green Patina liquid must be applied while the metallic paint is wet
    • Any metallic paint layered over an area where wet Green Patina liquid is will also patina
  9. Continue to print leaves using all printing techniques above until you are satisfied with your composition
  10. You can touch up any areas of un-wanted metallic marks with a single coat of the acrylic used for your background color