Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Marcia Roullard



  • MB-1539 Faceted Llama


  • SS-138 Flat Black
  • MM-105 Metallic Gold
  • MM-202 Green Patina

Decorating Accessories

  • MM-600 Spritzer Caps
  • RB-110 Detail Liner
  • Old brushes for Metallic

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge


  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
  2. Brush on one coat of SS-138 Flat Black.
  3. Empty MM-105 Metallic Gold into a jar so that it can be stirred well. Brush on a heavy coat of the Gold to the Llama. Let dry to a tack, brush on a second coat, while the coat is wet, spray on a heavy coating of MM-202 Green Patina. Use MM-600 Spritzer cap on the bottle of Green Patina to spray.
  4. Let dry, may take a few hours to fully develop. I went back and dry brushed more Metallic Gold on the pictured llama as it was too green.
  5. Outline using RB-110 Liner the facets with SS-138 Flat Black, brush on the eye.