LIVE WITH CHRIS Tonight at 5:00pm Central Time


Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • MB-1516 Faceted Dog Bisque or CD1516+ Faceted Dog Molds


  • SS-24 Chocolate Fudge
  • SS-45 Buttermilk
  • SS-127 Medium Portrait
  • SS-135 White
  • MM-106 Steel Metallic
  • MM-305 Rapid Rust

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-100 #0 Detail Liner
  • RB-110 # 10/0 Detail Liner
  • RB-118 #8 Round
  • Basecoat Brush
  • Assorted Dry Brushes
  • AC-501 Gloss Sealer
  • AC-502 Matte Sealer
  • MM-600 Spritzer Caps

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Foam Plates
  • Paper Towels
  • Water Bowl
  • Pencil


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Basecoat the dog with SS-127 Medium Portrait. Allow to dry!
  3. Using a Pencil, lightly sketch spots on the dog.
  4. Using a RB-118 #8 Round, apply 2 coats of SS-24 Chocolate Fudge to the spots. Allow to dry.
  5. Place the dog on a couple layers of paper towels.
  6. Apply 2 coats of MM-106 Steel Metallic to the spots on the dog. While the second coat is still wet, sprits the MM-106 Steel Metallic with a heavy coat of MM-305 Rapid Rust. Allow to dry.
  7. Drybrush the plain areas of the dog with SS-127 Medium Portrait eliminate the rust rips. Be carful not to get any of this color on the Rust spots.
  8. Drybrush the same areas with SS-45 Buttermilk then highlight with SS-135 White.
  9. Using a pencil, lightly sketch the eyes on the dog.
  10. Using a RB-100 #0 Detail Liner, apply SS-135 White to the whites of the eyes.
  11. Using a RB-100 #0 Detail Liner, apply SS-127 Medium Portrait to the iris of the eyes. Shade around the iris with SS-24 Chocolate Fudge.
  12. Using a RB-100 #0 Detail Liner, apply SS-138 Flat Black to the pupil of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  13. Using a RB-110 #10/0 Liner, outline the eyes with SS-138 Flat Black. Add a highlight of SS-135 White to the eyes. Allow to Dry!
  14. Apply 1-2 coats of AC502 Matte Sealer to the piece.
  15. Appy 2 coats of AC-501 Gloss Sealer to the eyes, nose and mouth of the dog.
  16. DO NOT FIRE!