Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Renee Lindquist



  • SB-105 Rimmed Dinner Plate or create your own out of your favorite Raku clay


  • SC- 11 Blue Yonder
  • SC-27 Sour Apple
  • SC- Hot Tamale
  • RK-101 Copper Metallic
  • RK-106 Peacock Matte

Decorating Accessories

  • 604 #4 Fan Brush
  • AC-213 Sponge on a Stick
  • C-223 Writer Tip Kit
  • SL 441 Spots Stencil


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque.  Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Use a Banding wheel and draw 3 different size circles on your plate. With the middle section a little larger than the rest.
  3. Hold the SL 441 Spot Stencil in place and using the AC-213 Sponge on a Stick load the sponge with RK-106 Peacock Matte. Sponge the colors in the middle section of the plate. Move and clean stencil as needed. Do not apply to much of the paint to the sponge or it will seep under the stencil.
  4. Use the writer bottles filled with SC- 11 Blue Yonder, SC-27 Sour Apple, and SC- Hot Tamale and add some details around the dots.
  5. Use a CB-604 #4 Fan Brush and apply 2 coats of RK-101 Copper Metallic to the back of the plate and to the other two bands. Do not apply to the foot of the plate.
  6. Fire your piece in a raku kiln that is outside to about 1800 or until the glazes are all shiny.
  7. Use a metal can with a lid that a little larger than your piece line it with newspaper.
  8. Use raku tongs and protective raku clothing. Pull your piece out of the kiln and place it gentle in the can with the newspaper, allow the paper to catch on fire and cover with the lid. (Do not take the lid off the can until your piece has cooled completely).
  9. When your piece has cooled clean your piece as it comes out of the can with a stiff brush or green kitchen scrubby to lean off the carbon.
  10. Have fun and use caution when you Raku.