Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • CD043 Hands on Hips Gnome


  • SS-19 Country Sage
  • SS-28 Hushed Violet
  • SS-57 Accent Green
  • SS-130 Medium Gray
  • SS-135 White
  • SS-183 Rich Peach
  • SS-192 Light Taupe
  • SS-210 Orange
  • SS-247 Bright Yellow
  • SS-368 Dusty Violet
  • SS-376 Limeburst
  • OS476 Black
  • OS567 Ash
  • OS569 Concord
  • SG882 Glittering Gold
  • UM951 Solid Gold
  • SS342C Matte Spray Sealer

Decorating Accessories

  • AB-702 #10/0 Liner
  • AB-704 #3 Round
  • AB-705 #5 Round
  • AB-708 #10 Shader
  • AB-710 #3/4 Flat Shader
  • DB-802 #5 Round
  • DB-803 #8 Round

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Foam Plates or Aluminum Foil for Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • ½” Masking Tape
  • Black Glitter
  • Mod Podge
  • Scissors


  1. Cast the mold in usual manner. Allow the greenware to dry! Clean the greenware with a Clean-Up Tool and sponge. Bisque fire to cone 04.
  2. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  3. Using a Basecoat Brush and an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the gnome’s shirt with SS-57 Accent Green. Allow to dry!
  4. Using an DB-803 #8 Round, drybrush the shirt with SS-19 Country Sage then with SS-376 Lime Burst. Highlight with SS-247 Bright Yellow.
  5. Using an AB-710 #3/4 Flat Shader and an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the gnome’s Hat and gloves with OS569 Concord.
  6. Using a DB-803 #8 Round, drybrush the hat and gloves with SS-368 Dusty Violet. Highlight with SS-28 Hushed Violet
  7. If the deep crevices get filled in just drybrush them with the base coat color to deepen them again.
  8. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the beard with OS567 Ash.
  9. Using a DB-802 #5 Round Dry Brush, drybrush the beard with SS-130 Medium Gray then highlight with SS-135 White.
  10. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the nose with SS-192 Light Taupe.
  11. Using an AB-708 #10 Shader, shade the noses with SS-183 Rich Peach.
  12. Using scissors, cut out the bats for the hat and the belt for the hat. Trace around these with a pencil. Using an AB-704 #3 Round, apply 2 coats of UM951 Solid Gold to the buckle and OS476 Black to the belt. Using an AB-702 #10/0 Liner, apply OS476 Black to the bats.
  13. Using an AB-708 #10 Shader, Shade around the beard with OS476 Black.
  14. Basecoat the shoes with OS476 Black and drybrush with OS567 Ash.
  15. Add dots of SS-210 Orange to the bat’s eyes around the cuffs of the shirt and bottom of the shirt. Allow to dry!
  16. Apply 2 light coats of SS342C Matte Spray Sealer to the piece. Allow to dry!
  17. Using an AB-704 #3 Round, apply 2-3 coats of SG882 Glittering Gold Sparklers to the buckle on the hat.
  18. Using Mod Podge, apply to the hat band then sprinkle with Black Glitter. Allow to dry!
  19. DO NOT FIRE!