Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: William Pulse



  • CD-001 Lizard


  • SS-19 Country Sage
  • SS-28 Hushed Violet
  • SS-87 Emperor’s Gold
  • SS-111 Brightest Yellow
  • SS-135 White
  • SS-138 Flat Black
  • SS-176 Christmas Red
  • SS-210 Orange
  • SS-254 Golden Ochre
  • SS-276 Forest Green
  • SS-317 Turquoise
  • SS-335 Rich Blue
  • SS-376 Limeburst

Decorating Accessories

  • AC-512 True Gloss Spray
  • Synthetic Sponge

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Pencil
  • Stylus
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Tile or Pallet
  • White Chaco paper and/or White chalk pencil
  • Pattern: Download


  1. Wipe down the bisque with a moistened Synthetic Sponge to remove any dust from the ware.
  2. Use CB-604 Soft Fan to apply 1-2 coats of SS-138 Flat Black to the entire piece.
  3. Pattern can be transferred but can be time consuming when using the White Chaco paper. Use a White Chalk pencil to sketch the basic areas on the Lizard for guidance. Both will wipe off afterwards easily after painting using a damp paper towel if necessary
  4. The “dots” are made with the ends of brush handles, stylus or pencil points.  One trick is that when you load (dip) the handle into color and then do one print it gives a specific sized dot.If you keep printing with the handle without reloading and continue to do prints, the size of the dot will naturally decrease in size. This will be helpful when doing trailing or gradations of dots, like on the toes. The stylus probably with give you the smallest dot. A toothpick will also give you about the same look. The brushes listed may not give you the size dot desired, so a trial printing of different brush handles may be necessary.  When filling in an area with dots, it is a random placement generally.Keep in mind how and where you are placing dots for the optimum look you are trying to achieve.  Be careful when painting your dots as they will stay wet a bit longer than one might think.Cover your Tile or Pallet with Aluminum Foil for ease of clean up after painting.
  5. Start with the collar of trailing dots along the neck. Center dots are SS-335 Rich Blue starting at the end and trail the descending dots towards the front of the head about 1” . Flank those dots with trailing dots of SS-317 Turquoise. The toes are trailing dots of Rich Blue flanked with dots of SS-376 Limeburst. Toenails are SS-87 Emperors Gold painted with CB-220 Detail Liner.
  6. Paint in the white dots that delineate the different sections of the lizard with SS-135 White. Refer to the picture and pattern diagram for placement. There are two rows of dots between the painted collar and the head. Down the entire spine of the lizard, around the ankles, along the back in a wavy line that extends from the head to just past the back legs.  There is the double row along the belly side and then a single row between those peaks in the pattern.  To the tail, the diamond outlines are done in the smallest of dots.
  7. Fill in the sides of the belly with dots of SS-210 Orange. There is a line of orange dots along the wavy line bordering the spine along with a row of SS-28 Hushed Violet and SS-87 Emperor’s Gold. The smaller sections above the orange belly area are SS-176 Christmas Red.
  8. The markings inside the squares along the sides of the tail are SS-111 Brightest Yellow.
  9. Paint in the iris of the eye with SS-224 Golden Ochre using CB-220 Detail Liner. Shade the iris with SS-210 Orange.yle=”margin: 0px;”>   Paint in the vertical pupil with SS-138 Flat Black using CB-110 Liner. The highlight is with SS-135 White. The top and bottom eyelash are painted in with SS-376 Limeburst using CB-110 Liner. Refer to the eye detail on the lizard diagram. The dots above the eye are SS-87 Emperor’s Gold.
  10. The head is dotted in with three colors of green starting with SS-276 Forest Green towards the back of the head near the neck. As you dot in color moving forward, you change to SS-19 Country Sage and then finally with SS-376 Limeburst. Do not make the mistake of abruptly changing from one color to the another. Make the dots irregular in size and placement to where they blend gradually from one color to the next. The throat is primarily Limeburst, but with some Country Sage towards the back of the throat near the base of the lizard. Do not dot in any area directly along the mouth area.  The tail is all dots of SS-376 Limeburst. Once the color has dried, go back and add some smaller dots over the green areas to create a shimmering effect.
  11. The scrolls on the legs are fine dots of SS-335 Rich Blue using a fine point stylus. Let dry.
  12. Shake AC-512 True Gloss Spray well.  In an area well ventilated, apply two to three light coats of True Gloss Spray approximately 8” to 10” from the piece allowing drying time between coats.Several light coats are better than one heavy coat.