News — AC-512 True Gloss Spray


Posted by Tony Tabor on

JEWELED TRIBAL LIZARD Designer: William Pulse SUPPLIES Form CD-001 Lizard Colors SS-19 Country Sage SS-28 Hushed Violet SS-87 Emperor’s Gold SS-111 Brightest Yellow SS-135 White SS-138 Flat Black SS-176 Christmas Red SS-210 Orange SS-254 Golden Ochre SS-276 Forest Green SS-317 Turquoise SS-335 Rich Blue SS-376 Limeburst Decorating Accessories AC-512 True Gloss Spray Synthetic Sponge Miscellaneous Accessories Pencil Stylus Aluminum Foil Tile or Pallet White Chaco paper and/or White chalk pencil Pattern: Download INSTRUCTIONS Wipe down the bisque with a moistened Synthetic Sponge to remove any dust from the ware. Use CB-604 Soft Fan to apply 1-2 coats of SS-138 Flat Black to...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

RAKU FACETED DOG Designer: Ryan Osborne SUPPLIES Form MB-1516 Faceted Dog Bisque or CD1516+ Faceted Dog Molds Colors AC-512 True Gloss Spray Decorating Accessories Horsehair INSTRUCTIONS Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque.  Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. Fire your piece in a raku kiln that is outside to about 1890 degrees F. Use raku tongs and protective raku clothing. Pull your piece out of the kiln with the tongs while red hot and place horsehair on the piece. When your piece has cooled, brush off the remaining carbon. Seal the bisque with AC-512...

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