Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • MB-1570 Lindy Gnome
  • MB-1571 Lars Gnome


  • SS-19 Country Sage
  • SS-57 Accent Green
  • SS-130 Medium Gray
  • SS-138 Flat Black
  • SS-135 White
  • SS-183 Rich Peach
  • SS-192 Light Taupe
  • SS-210 Orange
  • SS-254 Golden Ochre
  • SS-317 Turquoise
  • OS435 Dark Yellow
  • OS567 Ash
  • OS475 Charcoal
  • OS433 Pale Yellow

Decorating Accessories

  • AB-702 #10/0 Liner
  • AB-705 #5 Round
  • AB-708 #10 Shader
  • AB-710 #3/4 Flat Shader
  • DB-802 #5 Round
  • AC-523 Non-Fired Snow
  • SS342 C Matte Spray Sealer

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Foam Plates or Aluminum Foil for Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • Water Bowl
  • Ruler
  • Decorative bees



  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using an AB-708 #10 Shader, apply AC-523 Non-Fired Snow around the edge of both gnomes’ hats creating a textured edge to the hats. Allow to dry!
  3. Using a Basecoat Brush, basecoat the hats including the fur trim, dress and shirt of the gnomes with OS435 Dark Yellow. Allow to dry!
  4. Measure ½” stripes on the boy gnome’s shirt and the girl gnome’s hat. You can use either a ruler to measure or ½” masking tape.
  5. Referring to the photo. Using an AB-708 #10 Shader, shade every other stripe with SS-254 Golden Ochre on the boy gnome’s shirt and the girl gnome’s hat. Also, you want to shade in all the deep crevices of the dress and shirt and above the fur trim on the boy’s hat.
  6. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, apply SS-254 Golden Ochre under both hats and under the sleaves edge.
  7. Using a DB-802 #5 Round Dry Brush, drybrush the fur trim with OS435 Dark Yellow then highlight it with OS433 Pale Yellow.
  8. Using an AB-702 #10/0 Liner and an AB-705 #5 Round, apply SS-138 Flat Black to all the black stripes on the boy’s shirt and the girl’s dress.
  9. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the boy’s beard with OS475 Charcoal and the Girl’s hair with OS567 Ash.
  10. Using a DB-802 #5 Round Dry Brush, drybrush the boy’s beard with OS567 Ash then with SS-130 Light Gray, highlight with SS-135 White.
  11. Using a DB-802 #5 Round Dry Brush, drybrush the girl’s hair with SS-130 Light Gray then highlight with SS-135 White
  12. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat both noses with SS-192 Light Taupe.
  13. Using an AB-708 #10 Shader, shade the noses with SS-183 Rich Peach.
  14. Add dots to the boy’s hat using the end of a brush handle with SS-138 Flat Black.
  15. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, apply a pressure stroke to create each petal of the flower with SS-130 Medium Gray. This is done to block out the yellow color.
  16. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, apply a pressure stroke to create each petal of the flower with SS-135 White.
  17. Using the end of a brush handle, add a dot of OS435 Dark Yellow to create the flower center. Shade one side of the center with SS-210 Orange.
  18. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, apply a pressure stroke to create the leaves with SS-19 Country Sage then reload the brush with the SS-19 Country Sage then tip into SS-57 Accent Green to shade each leaf.
  19. Using an AB-702 #10/0 Liner, add some vein lines to each petal with SS-130 Medium Gray.
  20. The hair bands on the girl are OS435 Dark Yellow shaded with SS-254 Golden Ochre.
  21. Allow to dry!
  22. Apply 2 coats of SS342 C Matte Spray Sealer to each piece. Allow to dry!
  23. You can add some decorative little bees to each gnome.
  24. DO NOT FIRE!