Designer: Bev Scarborough
- CD1462 Jolly Tree
- Bee bisque
- SS-45 Buttermilk
- SS-3 Honey Toast
- SS-111 Brightest Yellow
- SS-138 Flat Black
- SS-237 Dark Brown
- SS-234 Medium Mocha
- SS-276 Forest Green
- SS-57 Accent Green
- SS-317 Turquoise
- SS–135 White
- UM956 Silver
- SS-32 Razzberri
- SS-28 Hushed Violet
- OS483 Real Red
Decorating Accessories
- AB-708 #10 Shader Acrylic Brush
- AB-703 #1 Liner Acrylic Brush
- AB-705 #5 Round Acrylic Brush
- DB-804 #3 Flat Acrylic Dry Brush
- Stylus
Miscellaneous Accessories
- Sponge
- Glue
- Pinch light
- Led bulb
- Pencil
- Pattern
- Sharpie Fine Marker
- Medium twist ceramic Christmas tree lights – gold
- Medium flower ceramic Christmas tree lights – gold
- Begin with properly fired bisque Cone 04 Jolly Tree.
- Basecoat with SS-45 Buttermilk 2 coats over the entire tree.
- Trace on bee hive (I used tissue paper trace design of hive with pencil then place tissue paper on tree and retrace with sharpie extra fine marker)
- Using a sponge lightly pounce around the hive with SS-234 Medium Mocha (see picture for placement). Then apply 3 coats of SS-3 Honey Toast to hive let dry.
- Using a shader brush corner load with SS-234 Medium Mocha shade around each section of the hive. Then highlight with SS-135 White on upper section of each row.
- Then using a sponge pounce on SS-276 Forest Green around bottom of hive then sponge on SS-57 Accent Green on top leaving some of the Forest Green show through.
- Using a stylus, dot on flowers 4 – 5 petals per flower using colors of choice. (Colors used on my tree SS-32Razzberri, SS-28 Hushed Violet, OS483 Real Red, SS-135 White, SS-111 Brightest Yellow) outline in SS-138 Flat Black.
- Trace on bees and door on hive using the method from step 3.
- Fill in bee bodies with SS-111 Brightest Yellow (will take at least 2 coats)
- Fill in wings with SS135 White (will take at least 2 coats)
- Shade around the wings with mixture of SS-317 Turquoise and SS-135 White (half and half)
- Fill in the door with SS-138 Flat Black.
- Put stripes on bees with SS-138 Flat Black.
- Using shader brush corner load with SS-111 Brightest Yellow and shade around each wave on tree.
- When dry, using the Liner Brush and SS-138 Flat Black make flight dashes on the waves and behind the bees.
- Taking the Medium Twist ceramic Christmas tree lights (gold) and Medium Flower ceramic Christmas tree lights (gold) paint the tops of each with 2 coats of SS-111 Bright Yellow. When dry, paint black stripes on the medium twist lights and using SS-234 Medium Mocha paint the center of the flower. Let dry.
- Basecoat body of bee with SS-111 Brightest Yellow, wings are base coated with turquoise and white mixture. When dry apply stripes to bee body and drybrush wings with SS-135 White.
- Glue in lights and bee to tree.