Happy 4th of July!


Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Elizabeth Carey



  • MB-882 Rectangle Tray


  • EZ 018 Chartreuse
  • EZ 023 Midnight Blue
  • EZ 026 Yellow Orange
  • EZ 027 Navajo Turquoise
  • EZ 028 Leaf Green
  • EZ 030 Rose
  • EZ 032 Peacock Green
  • EZ 037 Black
  • EZ 058 Poppy Orange
  • EZ 075 Passion Red
  • FN-009 Black
  • NT-CLR Clear Dipping

Decorating Accessories

  • AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper
  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-110 10/0 Detail Liner
  • RB-118 #8 Round

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Pencil
  • Palette
  • Pattern


  1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Place AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper over the front of the tray. Trace the pattern using the pencil.
  3. Using the Round Brush with EZ 018 Chartreuse, EZ 023 Midnight Blue, EZ 026 Yellow Orange, EZ 030 Rose, EZ 058 Poppy Orange and EZ 075 Passion Red apply 1 coat to the flowers as pictured.
  4. Using the Round Brush with EZ 027 Navajo Turquoise, EZ 028 Leaf Green and EZ 032 Peacock Green, apply 1 coat to the leaves as pictured.
  5. Using the Detail Liner with EZ 037 Black, loosely outline the flowers and leaves. Add decorative lines and dots.
  6. Using the Soft Fan with FN-009 Black, apply 2 coats to the back of the plate. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  7. Dip in NT-CLR Clear Dipping.
  8. Fire to cone 06