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Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • CD042 Hands Up Gnome


  • SS-127 Medium Portrait
  • SS-130 Medium Gray
  • SS-131 Medium Blue
  • SS-135 White
  • SS-138 Flat Black
  • SS-176 Christmas Red
  • SS-183 Rich Peach
  • SS-335 Rich Blue
  • OS460 Navy
  • OS480 Garnet Red
  • SG880 Crystal
  • SS342C Matte Spray Sealer

Decorating Accessories

  • AB-702 #10/0 Liner
  • AB-704 #3 Round
  • AB-705 #5 Round
  • AB-708 #10 Shader
  • AB-710 #3/4 Flat Shader
  • DB-802 #5 Round
  • DB-803 #8 Round

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Foam Plates or Aluminum Foil for Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • ½” Masking Tape
  • Decorative Stars & Flag – Hobby Lobby
  • Glue
  • Star Paper Punch


  1. Cast the mold in usual manner. Allow the greenware to dry! Clean the greenware with a Clean-Up Tool and sponge. If adding anything in the gnomes’ hands, drill a small hole in each hand. Bisque fire to cone 04.
  2. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  3. Using a Basecoat Brush and an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the gnome’s shirt with OS480 Garnet Red. Allow to dry!
  4. Using an DB-803 #8 Round, drybrush the shirt with SS-176 Christmas Red.
  5. Create ½” stripes on the gnome’s shirt using ½” masking tape. Make sure the tape is down on the edges to prevent color leaking under the tape.
  6. Using a DB-803 #8 Round, stipple SS-130 Medium Gray on the white stripe first. Next, stipple 2 coats of SS-135 White.
  7. Using an AB-710 #3/4 Flat Shader and an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the gnome’s hat with OS460 Navy.
  8. Drybrush the hat with SS-SS-183 Rich Blue. Followed by highlighting with SS-131 Medium Blue.
  9. If the deep crevices get filled in just drybrush them with the base coat color to deepen them again.
  10. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the beard with SS-130 Medium Gray
  11. Using a DB-802 #5 Round Dry Brush, drybrush the beard with SS-135 White.
  12. Using an AB-705 #5 Round, basecoat the nose with SS-127 Medium Portrait
  13. Using an AB-708 #10 Shader, shade the noses with SS-183 Rich Peach.
  14. Using a star paper punch, trace the stars on to the hat.
  15. Using an AB-704 #3 Round, first basecoat the stars with SS-130 Medium Gray. This will help block out the blue to come through the white. Allow to dry. Then apply 1-2 coats of SS-135 White to the stars. Allow to dry!
  16. Apply 2 light coats of SS342 C Matte Spray Sealer to the piece. Allow to dry!
  17. Using an AB-704 #3 Round, apply 2-3 coats of SG880 Crystal Sparklers to the stars
  18. You can add some decorative star and flag to the gnome. Glue into the small hole you drilled in each hand. Or you can drill in bisque with a Dremel Drill.
  19. DO NOT FIRE!