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Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Todd Hickerson



  • Earthenware bisque


  • Vase #1
    • Crackle CC-108 China Sea
    • Crackle CC-102 White
  • Vase #2
    • RK-106 Peacock Matte
  • Vase #3
    • RK-100 Black
  • Vase #4
    • RK-105 Copper Penny

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Metal tongs
  • Trash can with lid
  • Combustible materials
  • Cloth


Directions in order of picture from left to right

Vase #1

  1. Begin with properly fired bisque.
  2. Apply 3 coats of CC-108 China Sea to the top 2/3 of vase.
  3. Apply 3 coats of CC-102 White to the bottom 1/3 of vase.
  4. Heat kiln to 1850F.
  5. At 1850F carefully remove piece from kiln with metal tongs, and place into trash can with combustibles. Quickly place lid over can, causing reduction to occur.
  6. Allow the combustion chamber to cool. Remove the pot and wipe carbon residue off with clean cloth.

Vase #2

  1.  Begin with properly fired bisque.
  2. Apply 2 coats of RK-106 Peacock Matte.
  3.  Apply a third coat to the neck of the vase. This will result in a rougher textured finish.
  4.  Heat kiln to 1850F.
  5.  At 1850F carefully remove piece from kiln with metal tongs, and place into trash can with combustibles. Quickly place lid over can, causing reduction to occur.
  6.  Allow the combustion chamber to cool. Remove the pot and wipe carbon residue off with clean cloth.
  1. Begin with properly fired bisque.
  2. Apply 3 coats of RK-100 Black.
  3. Heat kiln to 1850F.
  4. At 1850F carefully remove piece from kiln with metal tongs, and place into trash can with combustibles. Quickly place lid over can, causing reduction to occur.
  5. Allow the combustion chamber to cool. Remove the pot and wipe carbon residue off with clean cloth.

Vase #4

  1. Begin with properly fired bique.
  2. Apply 3 coats of RK-105 Copper Penny
  3. Heat kiln to 1850F.
  4. At 1850F carefully remove piece from kiln with metal tongs, and place into trash can with combustibles. Quickly place lid over can, causing reduction to occur.
  5. Allow the combustion chamber to cool. Remove the pot and wipe carbon residue off with clean cloth.