Posted by Tony Tabor on


Designer: Bob Moreni



  • CD-034 Wooden Crate
  • CD-035 Straw/Leaves Lid
  • CD-036 Scarecrow Lid Topper


  • Magic Metallic
    • MM-102 Copper Metallic
    • MM-106 Steel Metallic
    • MM-305 Rapid Rust
  • Softees Acrylic Stains
    • SS-3 Honey Toast
    • SS-19 Country Sage
    • SS-24 Chocolate Fudge
    • SS-45 Buttermilk
    • SS-111  Brightest Yellow
    • SS-127 Medium Portrait
    • SS-130 Medium Gray
    • SS-138  Flat Black
    • SS-135 White
    • SS-183 Rich Peach
    • SS-194 Medium Taupe
    • SS-212 Light Umber
    • SS-234 Medium Mocha
    • SS-254 Golden Ochre
    • SS-276 Forest Green
    • SS-376 Lime Burst
  • Duncan Bisq-Stain
    • OS-438 Orange Peel
    • OS-454 Rust
    • OS-458 Wedgewood Blue
    • OS-459 Bright Blue
    • OS-471 Medium Brown
    • OS-475 Charcoal
    • OS-481 Cinnamon
    • OS-484 Persimmon
    • OS-503 Barnyard Red
    • OS-541 Northern Blue
    • OS-567 Ash
  • Sealer
    • AS-954 Matte Sealer
    • AS-953 Gloss Sealer

Decorating Accessories

  • Basecoat Brush
  • Various Dry Brushes
  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • CB-202 #2 Detail Liner
  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Foam Plates or Aluminum Foil for Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • Water Bowl
  • Clean-Up Tool



  1. Cast the molds in usual manner. Allow Greenware to dry!  Clean the greenware with a Clean-Up Tool. 
    Bisque fire to cone 04.
  2. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  3. Glaze the inside of the Wooden Crate with Clear Glaze or your choice of any Color Gloss Glaze. Fire to shelf cone 06.
  4. Using a Basecoat Brush, basecoat all the pieces with 1 – 2 coats of SS-24 Chocolate Fudge. Allow to dry!

Scarecrow Lid Topper

  1. Using various size Drybrush’s, drybrush as follows – Face/Hands: SS-194 Medium Taupe then with SS-127 Medium Portrait. Highlight the Cheeks with SS-183 Rich Peach.
  2. Drybrush the Shirt: SS-276 Forest Green then SS-19 Country Sage followed by SS-376 Limeburst. Highlight with SS-111 Brightest Yellow.
  3. Drybrush the Pants: OS-541 Northern Blue then OS-459 Bright Blue Followed by OS-458 Wedgewood Blue. Highlight with SS-135 White.
  4. Drybrush the Straw/Hair: Drybrush OS-471 Medium Brown then SS-254 Golden Ochre followed by SS-3 Honey toast. Highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk.
  5. Drybrush the Pumpkin: OS-454 Rust then OS484 Persimmon followed by OS-438 Orange Peel. Highlight with SS-111 Brightest Yellow.
  6. Drybrush the Hat: OS-481 Cinnamon then OS454 Rust Followed by OS-503 Barnyard Red. Highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk.
  7. Drybrush the Shoes: OS-471 Medium Brown, Highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk.
  8. Drybrush the Patches on Hat & Pants: Use various colors. Highlight with a lighter color or SS-45 Buttermilk.
  9. Using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner, Apply stripes to the shirt with SS-254 Golden Ocher and SS-45 Buttermilk.
  10. Apply 1-2 coats of MM-102 Copper Metallic to the buttons on the pants.
  11. Eyes – Using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner, apply 1 – 2 coats of SS-135 White to the eye area. Iris of the eye is SS-29 Dew Drop Blue. Shade with OS-541 Northern Blue. Pupil and eyelashes are OS-476 Black.  Add a highlight with SS-135 White.   Allow to dry!
  12. Float some SS-24 Chocolate Fudge in the deep crevices of the Scarecrow. Allow to dry!
  13. Apply 2 coats of AS-494 Matte Sealer to the piece. Allow to dry!
  14. Apply 2 coats of AS-493 Gloss Sealer to the eyes and buttons. Allow to dry!
  15. DO NOT FIRE!

Straw/Leaves Lid

  1. Using various size Drybrush’s, drybrush as follows –Straw: Drybrush OS-471 Medium Brown then SS-254 Golden Ochre followed by SS-3 Honey toast. Highlight with SS-45 Buttermilk.
  2. Drybrush the Leaves on one side with SS-276 Forest Green then SS-19 Country Sage followed by SS-376 Limeburst. Highlight with SS-111 Brightest Yellow
  3. On the other side of the leaf blend the two colors where they meet, drybrush with OS-454 Rust then OS484 Persimmon followed by OS-438 Orange Peel. Highlight with SS-111 Brightest Yellow.
  4. Float some SS-24 Chocolate Fudge around the leaves.

Wooden Crate

  1. Using a Basecoat Brush, Basecoat the wooden part of the crate with 1 – 2 coats of SS-24 Chocolate Fudge. Allow to dry!
  2. Using various size Dry Brushes, Drybrush the crate with SS234 Medium Mocha then with SS212 Light Umber.
  3. Bend in some SS-192 Light Taupe and SS-130 Medium Gray to make the woodgrain look old.
  4. Basecoat the corners of the crate with SS-138 Flat Black. Drybrush with OS-475 Charcoal then OS-567 Ash.  Highlight with SS-130 Medium Gray.  Allow to dry!
  5. Apply some MM-106 Steel Metallic on the center area of the corners. Allow to dry! 
  6. Mix some MM-305 Rapid rust into some MM-106 Steel Metallic and apply a second coat of the MM-106 Steel Metallic mix.
  7. Using a CB-202 #2 Detail Liner, apply SS-138 Flat Black to the rivets on the corners. Allow to dry!
  8. Float some SS-24 Chocolate Fudge in the deep crevices of the crate.
  9. Apply 2 coats of AS-494 Matte Sealer to the outside of the crate. Allow to dry!