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News — blue


Posted by Tony Tabor on

TEAL AND BLUE ELEMENTS PUMPKINS Designer: Elizabeth Carey SUPPLIES Form MB-1567 Tall Knit Pumpkin MB-1568 Round Hammered Pumpkin MB-1043 Squatty Pumpkin Colors EL-106 Tidal Pool EL-209 Night Sky UM956 Silver Decorating Accessories RB-144 #4 Soft Fan AB-707 #6 Shader Acrylic Brush Miscellaneous Accessories Sponge Water INSTRUCTIONS Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. Using the Soft Fan with EL-106 Tidal Pool, apply 2 coats to each pumpkin. Do not glaze the stems. Allow glaze to dry between coats. Using the Soft Fan with EL-209 Night Sky, apply 2 coats to each...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

BLUE PEACOCK Designer: Timothy McPherson SUPPLIES Form MB-1360 Peacock Colors PC-601 Clear Cascade EL-122 Malachite EL-136 Lapis Lagoon EL-140 Toasted Almond CG-180 Mystic Jade CG-990 Starry Night Decorating Accessories CB-604 #4 Soft Fan INSTRUCTIONS 1) Using the Soft Fan, apply 2 coats of EL-136 Lapis Lagoon to the entire piece. 2) Using the Soft Fan, plop on at random both CG-180 Mystic Jade and CG-990 Starry Night. 3) Using the Soft Fan, plop at random, allowing each color to show, EL-122 Malachite, PC-601 Clear Cascade followed with EL-140 Toasted Almond. 4) Using the Soft Fan, plop to the tail area and...

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