News — CB-406 Pointed Round


Posted by Tony Tabor on

GNOMES IN ACRYLICS Designer: Marcia Roullard SUPPLIES Form CD-011 Nordic Gnome- Sven CD-012 Nordic Gnome-Astrid Colors SS-135 White SS-138 Black SS-3 Honey Toast SS-57 Accent Green SS-331 Medium Blue SS-92 Royal Fuchsia SS-127 Medium Portrait SS-376 Limebrust SS-19 Country Sage SS-130 Medium Gray SS-335 Rich Blue SS-212 Light Umber SS-210 Orange4 SS-176 Christmas Red SS-111 Brightest Yellow AC-501 Gloss Sealer Decorating Accessories AC-310 Silkscreen Medium DSS-0113 Bugs Silkscreen CB-310 Flat Shader CB-110 Liner CB-200 Detail CB-406 Pointed Round Miscellaneous Accessories Palette Knife #8 Dry Brush INSTRUCTIONS Clean and fire greenware to 04. Astrid Gnome: With CB-310 Shader brush on slightly thinned...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

ACRYLIC VINTAGE TRUCK CONTAINER Designer: Marcia Roullard SUPPLIES Form MB-1502 Vintage Truck Container Bisque or CD1508 Vintage Truck Container Mold Colors SS-45 Buttermilk SS-176 Christmas Red SS-179 Antique Red SS-130 Medium Gray SS-135 White SS-138 Flat Black SS-210 Orange SS-81 Shimmering Silver AC-501 Gloss Sealer Decorating Accessories CB-202 Detail Liner CB-406-Pointed Round CB-606-Pointed Round CB-310 Flat Shader various sizes of Dry Brushes Miscellaneous Accessories Sponge Water INSTRUCTIONS On 04 bisque, brush SS-179 Antique Red in all the shadow areas of the truck, brush the remainder of the truck’s body with SS-176 Christmas Red. Dry Brush the body of the truck with...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

ACRYLIC PUMPKIN TOPPER Designer: Marcia Roullard SUPPLIES Form CD022 Pumpkins w/Sunflower Topper Colors SS-210 Orange SS-211 Orange Rust SS-276 Forest Green SS-376 Limeburst SS-111 Brightest Yellow SS-24 Chocolate Fudge SS-234 Medium Mocha SS-3 Honey Toast SS-254 Golden Ochre Decorating Accessories CB-202 Detail Liner CB-406-Pointed Round CB-606-Pointed Round CB-310 Flat Shader various sizes of Dry Brushes Miscellaneous Accessories Sponge Water INSTRUCTIONS On 04 bisque, brush on SS-210 Orange to the pumpkins, shade the shadow and the lines of the pumpkins with SS-211 Orange Rust. Dry Brush the pumpkins with SS-210 Orange add SS-111 Brightest Yellow to the brush for high lights. Brush...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

ACRYLIC ORNAMENT TOPPER Designer: Marcia Roullard SUPPLIES Form CD023 Ornaments w/Holly Topper Colors SS-135 White SS-176 Christmas Red SS-92 Royal Fuchsia SS-317 Turquoise SS-288 Bright Green SS-57 Accent Green SS-32 Razzberri SS-81 Shimmering Silver SS-87 Emperor’s Gold SS-113 White Iridescent SS-335 Rich Blue SS-45 Buttermilk Decorating Accessories CB-202 Detail Liner CB-406-Pointed Round CB-606-Pointed Round CB-310 Flat Shader various sizes of Dry Brushes Miscellaneous Accessories Sponge Water INSTRUCTIONS Brush the ornaments as shown with the colors listed. Start with the largest area then apply the details last. Also start with the lighter color from the list then shade with the darker color,...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

FILIGREE AND LEMONS PLATTER Designer: William Pulse SUPPLIES Form CD-1307 Handled Platter, Greenware Colors EZ-010 French Brown EZ-011 Sienna Brown EZ-013 White EZ-018 Chartreuse EZ-023 Midnight Blue EZ-026 Yellow Orange EZ-028 Leaf Green EZ-032 Peacock Green EZ-033 Ivy Green FN-044 Yellow Orange S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing Decorating Accessories CB-106 Script Liner CB-406 Pointed Round CB-604 Soft Fan AC-230 Clay Carbon AC-302 Wax Resist Miscellaneous Accessories Water Silk Decorating Sponge (There is a difference in the usage of a Silk Decorating Sponge over other types, for that reason, the Silk Decorating Sponge should be used for this decorating process. A Synthetic Sponge...

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