Designer: Bob Moreni
- MB-1462 Jolly Christmas Tree Bisque or CD1462 Jolly Christmas Tree Mold
- SS-19 Country Sage
- SS-24 Chocolate Fudge
- SS-28 Hushed Violet
- SS-45 Buttermilk
- SS-127 Medium Portrait
- SS-135 White
- SS-138 Flat Black
- SS-179 Antique Red
- SS-183 Rich Peach
- SS-368 Dusty Violet
- SS-376 Limeburst
Decorating Accessories
- CB-202 #2 Detail Brush
- CB-106 #6 Script Liner
- Basecoat Brush
- Assorted Stain Brushes
- Dry Brushes
Miscellaneous Accessories
- Pencil
- Scissors
- White Transfer Paper
- Hot Glue
- Spanish Moss
- Pattern: Download
- Optional: Purple Glitter Orange Glitter, Matte Spray or AC-502 Matte Brush On Sealer
- Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
- In a small cup or foam plate, mix 2 parts SS-127 Medium Portrait with 2 parts of SS- 376 Limeburst.
- Using a basecoat brush, apply the color mix to the flesh area, going beyond the area of the face. Allow to dry!
- Trace on the face pattern using White Transfer Paper.
- Using a Script Liner, Shade (float) SS-19 Country Sage to the face.
- Using a Liner, outline the face pattern with SS-138 Flat Black.
- Mix 2 part SS-179 Antique Red with 1 part SS-24 Chocolate Fudge, apply to the tongue of the witch. Add a little more SS-24 Chocolate Fudge to the mix to darken and apply to the inside mouth area.
- Using a Drybrush, apply SC-183 Rich Peach mixed with some SS-135 White to the cheeks.
- Using a Script Liner, add highlights of SS-135 White to the cheeks and nose and chin.
- Using a Detail Brush, apply SS-145 to the teeth.
- Using a Detail Brush, apply SS-135 White to the eyes. Apply SS-138 Flat Black to the eyes. Highlight with SS-19 Country Sage and SS-135 White.
- Using a Liner, apply SS-138 Flat Black to the Eye lashes, eye brows and outline the teeth.
Using a Basecoat Brush, apply SS-368 Dusty Violet to the under part of the bottom and top limbs of the tree.
Drybrush the curls of the tree with SS-28 Hushed Violet. Highlight with some SS-135 White in the same brush.
Apply SS-138 Flat Black to the remaining area of the tree area.
Optional: Apply SS-138 Flat Black to the remaining areas of the tree including the limbs. Drybrush with SS-368 Dusty Violet and Highlight with SS-28 Hushed Violet then with some SS-135 White.
Apply Matte Sealer to the piece.
Using Hot Glue, apply the Spanish Moss to create hair for the witch.
Optional: Trim with some Purple and or Orange Glitter using AC-502 Matte Sealer to apply the glitter.