News — SC-26 Green Thumb


Posted by Tony Tabor on

CERAMIC MASKS Designer: Kaitlyn Miller SUPPLIES Form Low-fire white clay (EM 100) Colors SC-6 Sunkissed SC-26 Green Thumb SC-74 Hot Tamale SS-179 Antique Red SS-57 Accent Green SS-111 Brightest Yellow SS-87 Emperor’s Gold SS-138 Flat Black Accessories CD879 Mask Slump Mold CD1152 Native American Continuous Design Press Tool CD1151 4 Native American Design Press Tool Rib Needle tool Ribbon Tool Sponge Straw Brushes for glazing Beads and craft wire for optional decoration INSTRUCTIONS Handbuilding: 1. Dust out mask slump mold to be sure it is clean to make your mask. TIP: If your mold is wet apply a light dusting of...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

MAYCO AND DUNCAN VINTAGE TRUCK Designer: Elizabeth Carey SUPPLIES Form MB-1508 Vintage Truck Container bisque or CD1508 Vintage Truck mold Colors Mayco FN-001 White SC-15 Tuxedo SC-9 Jaded SC-26 Green Thumb SC-27 Sour Apple SC-74 Hot Tamale SC-96 Aqu-ward Duncan CN507 Neon Red CN302 Bright Caribbean CN074 Really Red OG802 White Gold OG803 Mother of Pearl Decorating Accessories AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper RB-144 #4 Soft Fan RB-106 #6 Script Liner RB-110 10/0 Detail Liner CB-220 2/0 Detail Liner CB-404 Size 4 Pointed Round CB-425 1/2” Oval Glaze Mop Miscellaneous Accessories Water Pencil Sponge Logo of choice INSTRUCTIONS Begin with properly fired...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

MAYCO AND DUNCAN TRUCK CONTAINERS Designer: Elizabeth Carey SUPPLIES Form MB-1535 Truck Container bisque Colors Dunan colors / Mayco colors AS 974 Glittering No-Fire Snow / AC-523 Non-Fired Snow CN 074 Really Red / SC-74 Hot Tamale CN 151 Light Blue Spruce / SC-96 Aqu-ward CN-181 Light Kiwi / SC-27 Sour Apple CN 182 Bright Kiwi / SC-26 Green Thumb CN-201 Light Grey / SC-60 Silver Lining CN-202 Bright Grey / SC-35 Gray Hare CN 253 Black / SC-15 Tuxedo CN 302 Bright Caribbean / SC-9 Jaded CN 507 Neon Red / SC-73 Candy Apple Red IN 1100 White / FN-001...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

RAKU FERN PLATE Designer: Renee Lindquist SUPPLIES Form SB-105 Rimmed Dinner Plate or create your own out of your favorite Raku clay Colors SC- 2 Melon Choly SC- 8 Just Froggy SC-26 Green Thumb SC-27 Sour Apple SC-55 Yella Bout It RK-101 Copper Metallic Decorating Accessories CB- 604 #4 Fan Brush AC-213 Sponge on a Stick C-223 Writer Tip Kit SL-436 Fern Leaf Stencil INSTRUCTIONS Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque.  Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. Draw a 3” circle in the middle of your plate. Hold the SL 436 Fern Leaf Stencil in place and...

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Posted by Tony Tabor on

Fun Project! HAWAIINN OWL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust. 2. Thin slightly FN-018 Bright Blue, pour to the inside, roll to coat, pour out the excess, drain. 3. Brush the light area of the eyes and the belly with two coats of SC-55 Yell about It, use CB-604 Soft Fan and CB-106 Script Liner. 4. Brush three coats of SC-75 Orange A Peel to the top and back section of the owl, use CB-106 Script Liner, and CB-604 Soft Fan. 5. When dry, use...

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